
更新时间:2018-04-03 来源:知识百科 点击:





  英 [prə'dju:st] 美 [prə'dju:st]


  produced 基本解释

  畸形伸长的,引长的;产生;制作;生产( produce的过去式和过去分词 );创作;


  1. With the help of the business sector, equipment and materials needed in emergent issues can be quickly produced and delivered.

  2. The company has produced three different kinds of wine over three years, bringing more diverse choices to eager buyers.

  3. It also means that one in twelve of all jetliners produced during the next 20 years will be used by airlines of the Chinese mainland.

  4. A visit led by the province's Party Secretary produced a contract of $ 3 trillion.

  5. A nationwide campaign to remove all medicines produced by the company has been carried out at the order of the SFDA.

  6. Hu will hand Bush a silk edition of the book produced by the State Council Information Office's foreign language press in Beijing.

  7. The market is also known for wooden chests produced by carpenters on the side of the market.

  8. The silver dragon dollars were produced by the Qing government of the time during this period.

  9. Three rice mills in central China's Hunan Province are being investigated after rice they produced was found to be contaminated with cadmium last week.


  1. Modelling reflect that their source region is garnet peridotite, and the picrite is produced by 2-7% partial melting.


  2. A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal. The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.


  3. As a kind of typical alkaline earth atom, Ba atom has a larger atomic core and much more sensitive valence electrons, so, the study on the spectroscopic prosperities of Ba autoionizing states is significant on the understanding of the complicated configuration and the dynamics process inside the atom. On the experimental side, by introducing external electronic fields the Stark autoionizing states of Ba atom are produced.


  4. For instance. Perhaps it is because of the reason the light is dim, or the unique efficiency relaxed and releived of the happy joss stick produced in Xizang drifting of Tibet twittering, stay in room soon, people can feel tired out to stand up, sleep soundly and alleviate the pressure completely while being easy very.


  5. Its force was so strong that the water displacement it had produced on the ocean floor caused massive tsunamis to roll to countries of South Asia, South East Asia and East Africa.






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开便利店是现在发展比较好的一个项目,经营便利店进货是一个很重要的因素,需要准守一定的原则。下面烟花美文网小编为你整理便利店的进货原则,希望对你有所帮助!便利店的进货原则进货:遵守1 5倍理论不管是日杂副食店还是文具店、服装店,都会面临“进货困扰”:货进少了,到手的生意没法做;

2019-01-16 09:19:40   自己开家便利店