
更新时间:2018-11-14 来源:知识百科 点击:




  Mother is cooking


  他妈妈在做饭 his mother is cooking

  我妈妈在忙着做饭 My mother

  妈妈通常在做饭 Mom is usually cooking in ; Mother usually cooks ; Mom usually cooking

  我妈妈现在没有在做饭 My mother is not cooking ; My mother did not cook ; Now there is no cooking in my mother


  1. 这是,妈妈在做饭,爸爸在洗菜。

  This is the mother in the cooking, father in the vegetables.

  2. 有一天,爸妈在一起做饭,妈妈切菜,爸爸掌勺。

  One day, Mom and Dad with the cooking, mother, father Foods are prepared.

  3. 下厨 一大早,我放下了手边的工作,一口气看完了倩倩发的那篇文章,整整半个小时,没有一句话,泪水不时地让自己的视线模糊着,看到女主人公因父亲的死而自责地放下心爱的恋人,守在妈妈身边学厨时,心里酸溜溜的,什么时候自己也有一手厨艺,像妈妈给我做饭一样,可以给父母也献上一桌暖暖的菜呢?

  The poems i learned during my school life, share with you..Perhaps it is the past lifeaffection, Perhaps it is the future's love lessness, Mistake it to meet for this life today, Waiting for snow flowers will become silver pieces, Waiting for cold seas will become fields, Thank down this affection and love lessness. The meeting maybe a water, or a tear, I'm going to a nonflower's tryst, I put it on the line, the meeting is good or not, I should worry, After only so I came relax my mind.

  4. 在我们家都是我妈妈在做饭,妈妈做饭非常好吃,是饭店里绝对吃不到的。

  Her dishes are very tasty and can never be found in restaurants.

  5. 当我妈妈做饭时,我经常在卧室里做作业

  He asked me to climb up the ladders to see the birds in the tree.

  6. Raymond的妈妈MARIE 有一个毛病,总是judging 别人,有点儿挑刺那种,她总是挑儿媳妇不会做饭,清洁做得不好等,儿媳妇对她又爱又恨,Raymond 在中间受夹板气。

  Out of their three unwanted visitors, Debra is particularly put off by Ray's mother, Marie - a catty woman who constantly antagonizes Debra, coddles Ray, and obviously favors Ray over Robert.

  7. Zenaida向窗外眺望,接着一声叹息 3 她喜爱在户外活动或是在巷子里走走,但不是在雨天 4 她记不得最近的一个干旱的日子是在什么时候了 5 她的弟弟在玩玩具车,宝宝在哭闹 6 她得了胃病,并且已经持续两天了 7 她的妈妈在做饭,她自己都能听见厨房里的收音机声(这句原话你打的是不是有问题?

  Zenaida looked out of the window and sighed. 3. She loved playing outside or walking through the town, but not in the rain. 4. She couldn't remember the last dry day. 5. Her little brother was playing with toy cars and the baby was crying. 6. She had a stomach ifection and had been ill for two days. 7. Her mother was making dinner, and Zenaida could her the radio in the kitchen. 8. This is the twenty-sventh wet day.

  8. 她的妈妈在做饭,因为Zenaida 听到厨房有收音机的声音。

  Her mother was making dinner, and Zenaida could hear the radio in the kitchen.

  9. 当我年轻的时候,我并不乐意帮我妈妈做饭,但是这却在某种程度上帮助了我,现在我能做可口的饭菜拉 6。

  When I was young, I was not willing to help my mother to cook, but it also helped me in a way and I can make tasty meals now.

  10. 以前在家帮妈妈做饭时,我总是在切芹菜前把里面的丝抽掉。

  When I help my mother in the kitchen, I always pull the strings out before slicing celery. I pulled the strings out of my stalk.

  11. 我的妈妈在营火上做饭。

  My mother cooks over a campfire.

  12. 大卫的爸爸是一个旅店的老板,大卫从小在旅店的处方里长大,他的妈妈做饭,他的姐姐打扫房间,他的哥哥扫马厩。

  David grew up in the kitchen of the inn. His father was the innkeeper. His mother cooked the food. David's older sisters cleaned the rooms, and his older brother swept the stable.

  13. 我经常跟我妈妈一起做饭,可是在家为三个人做饭没法跟与五个人一起在救济厨房为150个人做饭相提并论!

  Although I cooked regularly with my mother, cooking at home for three people was nothing like cooking with five other people in a soup kitchen for150 people!

  14. 他的妈妈正忙着做饭,她还在纳闷:彼得又把他的衣服弄哪儿去了,这可是两个星期内彼得丢的第二身衣服和鞋了!

  His mother was busy cooking; she wondered what he had done with his clothes. It was the second little jacket and pair of shoes that Peter had lost in a fortnight!

  15. 妈妈在做饭菜,爸爸在备课,而我在复习功课准备考试

  Mother is preparing the meal, father is preparing his lesson while I am preparing for the exam.






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